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How to get whatsapp video calling

Whatsapp is one of the most famous social media which is known for its fast services. After facebook bought whatsapp they have introduced many new features to whatsapp it was like a total upgrade. They changed the whole look and introduced whatsapp voice call which was succesfull. After few months rumers started to spread about video calling . Now it became true so through this post mortal droid will help you out  !


WhatsApp has been taunting the release of video calling feature for a long time now. First introduced in Windows Mobile versions of WhatApp, they have launched the new feature in the latest Beta version of the App.

The video calling interface is pretty simple and the call quality seem so good. The video quality depends on the Camera quality and the Internet speeds obviously. But the overall experience is great. This new feature makes WhatsApp an All-in-All Soical app. The video quality might be low as many users will be trying it up and the feature is still in Beta.

How to get the Video Calling Feature?

For now the video calling feature is available only for the beta version of the APP. If you have already signed up for the Beta program in Google Play then just try the above method to make the Call. In case you doesn’t have the option to make Video call then just signup for the Beta tester program in Google Play or download the Beta APK from below:


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