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Planner 5d

5 d-Home Design Planner is a program that lets you assemble projects of rooms or even to plan an entire House.

For this, he offers a wide range of objects to you doing the planning of physical structure, including placing items of decoration.

The program operates entirely in the play “drag”, making their use is easy even for those who don’t have a lot of affinity with this type of application. However, it is good to be aware that the application has been developed exclusively for tablets, it is not possible to operate it on a smartphone.

Setting up your project

Who never wanted to build a House just like the one of your dreams, indicating even the type of floor or furniture that I’d like to see when entering it? The idea of the Planner 5 d-Home Design is to help you create this type of plant, bringing the opportunity to you create your plant from scratch or taking an existing template in the gallery as a base.

The editor’s interface resembles other tools of this style, with the right portion of the screen devoted to Assembly of the project and, on the left, you find the editing tools. Also, there are a number of items for you model, such as walls, Windows, doors, stairs and a wide variety of furniture – with the possibility of making plants in two or three dimensions, according to their needs.

Above we gave a complete description about the Planner 5 d-Home Design and its features, know now what we think of 5 d-Home Design Planner provides an editor for creating architecture projects serving to plan rooms, spaces, houses and shops. The highlight of the program goes to the fact that he’s very intuitive to use, so that even people who don’t have a lot of affinity with this type of tool can operate it without major difficulties.

The program can be used by professionals, in order to present projects to its customers or even opposite way: to you indicate how would you like your home stay for who is running the project. You can set up projects completely from scratch or choose an existing template in the Gallery to change.

The manipulation of the structure is very simple, since you just press and then drag the objects to arrange them on the screen.Use really intuitive

The program interface is friendly, remembering, in a way, other editors to draw this type of project. She also is very well organized, dividing their tools in sectors and providing the main functions in the form of button for easy access and streamline time to assemble the project.

The program has a really large amount of items for you to use in the structure and decoration, in addition to hundreds of different textures to choose from. However, not everything is so perfect, because many of the items present in the catalog of the program are not free, and it is necessary to acquire them separately, if desired.

It’s also good to keep in mind that the program is a little heavy and he should run with some difficulty in devices with a bit more limited resources. Its use is also restricted to tablets, however, due to the fact of him being a program for planning environments, the larger screens are actually more interesting to do the proper handling of the items without having to be resizing the space.
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